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Education & GK


Philosophical Foundation

Idealism, Realism, Naturalism, Pragmatism, Existentialism, Rationalism, Humanism, Positivism, Vedanda, Buddhism, Jainism, Islamic traditions with special reference to the concepts of reality, knowledge and value – their educational implications.

Values as enshrined in the Indian Constitution & their educational implications.


Sociological Foundation

Sociology and Education – Education – a Social sub-system – Education – an instrument of Social Change – Social Stratification & Social Mobility – Equalisation of Educational Opportunities in India – Constraints & Solutions – Impact of Globalisation and Liberalisation in Indian Education – Education for World Citizenship – Human Rights Education.


Psychological Foundation

Learning Theories – Guthrie, Hull, Lewin, Tollman, Piaget, Bruner, Gagne and Ausubel – Motivation Theories – Adler, Maslow and McGlelland – Intelligence – Theories and Measurement – Personality Measurement Techniques.


Educational Evaluation

Measurement – Concepts, Assumptions and Limitations – Evaluation – Formative, Summative, Illuminative, Goal-based, Goal-free – Intrinsic and Extrinsic.

Tests – Norm-referenced and Criterion-referenced – Construction and Standardisation – Reliability – Split-half, Test-retest, Parallel Form and Rational Equivalence – Validity – Construct, Criterion, Predictive, Concurrent and Factorial. Norms – Standard Scores, Age Norm, Grade Norm and Percentiles.


Research Methodology & Statistics

Educational Research – Criteria and Sources for identification of Problem.

Methods of research – Historical, Normative, Experimental, Case-study, Follow-up and Trend.

Designs – Exploratory, Explanatory, Causal – comparative and Descriptive.

Techniques – Survey, Interview, Observation and Sociometry.

Tools – Questionnaire, Inventory, Check-list, Score Card, Scale and Schedule.

Proposal – Steps and designing

Sampling – different methods

Descriptive & Inferential Statistics

Parametric and non-parametric.

Measures of Central Tendency & Dispersion..

Correlation – Rank & Product moment.

Regression, Prediction & Equations

Hypothesis Testing – t-test between Means and Percentages & Chi-square Test


Educational Technology

Educational Technology. – meaning and scope: Media technology, System technology, Concept technology and Artificial Intelligence.

Media Attributes – Sensory Modality, Symbol System, Design Cues & Codes, Locus of Control and Interactive Features.

Ware Approach – Hardware, Software, Useware, Heartware, Underware & Courseware. Individualised Instruction – PLM & CAI.


Curriculum Development

Curriculum – Varied connotations –Foundations and Determinants

Curricular Models – Kerr, Johnson, McDonald, Zia & Taba.

Curricular Designs – Subject–centred, Learner-centred, Activity-centred, Problem-centred – Fused curriculum.

Curricular Organisation – Concentric, Spiral, Logical, Psychological, Correlated development of subjects & ABC of Curriculum.


Educational Planning & Administration

Management – Definition, concept, nature & universality of management. Management and Administration

Functions of Management – POSD CORB

Theories of Management – X, Y & Z

Kinds of Management – MBO, OBM, Participatory & Crisis.

Educational Planning – Nature and need.

Kinds of Planning – Institutional, Perspective, Sector & Annual

Types of Planning – Downward and Upward.


Guidance & Counselling

Guidance and Counselling – Concept, definitions and need.

Kinds of guidance – Personal, Familial, Academic and Vocational.

Types – Group and Individual

Importance of Aptitude test in Academic and Vocational guidance

Mental Health & Defence Mechanisms.


Teacher Education

Teaching – Meaning, relationship with Education and Instruction.

Teaching levels – Memory, Understanding & Reflective.

Models of teaching –Glaser and Stolurow’s. Instruction Designing Resource unit and Lesson plan.

Teaching skills – Micro-teaching – Skill practice, link practice & macro teaching.

Flanter’s Interaction Analysis & Category System.

Information Communication Technology in Teacher Education.


Education for Challenged

Mentally challenged – Categories and educational programmes

Visually challenged – Partial and total – Programmes

Hearing impaired – Degree of impairment and programmes

Orthopaedically crippled – Types, characteristics and programmes Inclusive Education.

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