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Instrumentation and Control Engineering


Matrix – characteristic equation – eigen values and eigen vectors – Cayley – Hamilton theorem – partial derivatives – maxima and minima – linear differential equations with constant coefficients – linear first order simultaneous equations with constant coefficients – Taylor and Laurent expansions – residue theorem – Laplace transform – initial and final value theorems – inverse Laplace transform – Fourier series and Fourier transforms – solution of standard types of first order partial differential equations – z-transform – inverse z-transform – convolution theorem.


Mesh current and node voltage methods of analysis – network reduction and network theorems – voltage and current division, source transformation – star delta conversion – Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems – superposition theorem – maximum power transfer theorem – series and parallel resonance – frequency response – quality factor and bandwidth – self and mutual inductance – transient response for dc and sinusoidal inputs – analysis of three phase 3-wire and 4-wire circuits – power and power factor measurements in three phase circuits.


Diode, BJT, JFET, MOSFET – characteristics and parameters – biasing – h parameters – amplifiers – frequency response – RC coupled amplifier – power amplifiers – feedback amplifiers – oscillators – wave shaping circuits – single and polyphase rectifiers – filters – design of Zener and transistor series voltage regulators – op-arnp characteristics – frequency response – summer, integrator,
instrumentation amplifier, first and second order active fitters,V/I and I/V converters, comparators, waveform generators, peak detector, S/H circuit, D/A converter (R-2R ladder and weighted resistor types),A/D converter – dual slope, successive approximation and flash types – isolation amplifiers, opta-coupler. Boolean algebra – De-Morgan’s theorems – simplification using K-maps and Quine
McCluskey Method – logic gates – design of arithmetic circuits – encoders, decoders, multiplexers and demultiplexers – flip flops – counters – shift registers – design of synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuits. Design of sequential networks

using PAL, PLA – FPGA – CPLD – 8085 and 8051 architectures – instruction sets –
programming – interrupt structures – memory interfacing – interfacing of 8255 PPI,
8279 key board display controller, 8253 timer Counter – interfacing with 8085 – A/D
and D/A converter interfacing.


Ballistic, D’Arsonval galvanometers – principle, construction, operation and comparison of moving coil, moving iron meters, dynamometer, induction type and thermal type meter, rectifier type – theory, calibration – electrodynamometer type wattmeter – induction type kwh meter – induction type energy meter – dc potentiometer – ac potentiometer – C.T and P.T – Wheatstone bridge – Kelvin double bridge – high resistance measurement – earth resistance measurement – Megger. Measurement of inductance, capacitance – Q of coil – Maxwell bridge – Wein’s bridge – Schering bridge – Anderson bridge – Campbell bridge to measure mutual
inductance – digital voltmeters and multimeters – microprocessor based DMM with auto ranging and self-diagnostic features – digital IC tester – frequency, period, time interval and pulse width measurement – cathode ray oscilloscope – sampling and
storage scopes – wave analyzers – seven segment and dot matrix display – digital recording and data loggers – modern instrumentation and control systems – OSI model – EIA 232 interface standard – EIA 485 interface standard – EIA 422 interface
standard – 20 ma current loop – serial interface converters.


Open and closed loop systems – transfer function – signal flow graphs – time domain response-I and II order system response – frequency response – Bode plot – polar plot – determination of closed loop response from open loop response – correlation
between frequency domain and time domain specifications – characteristic equio – location of roots in s plane for stability – Routh Hurwitz criterion – root locusconstruction – effect of pole, zero addition – gain margin and phase margin – Nyquiststability criterion – lag, lead and lag-lead networks – compensator design using bodeplots – state space analysis – controllability and observability – pole placement -state observer design – features of linear and non-linear systems – phase planeanalysis of linear and non-linear systems – isoclines method – describing functionanalysis of non-linear systems – conditions for stability – Liapunov’s stability concept– Liapunov’s direct method – Popov’s criterion – time varying optimal control – LQRsteady state optimal control – optimal estimation-multivariable control design.


Units and standards – calibration methods – static calibration – classification of errors – error analysis – statistical methods – odds and uncertainty – classification of transducers – selection of transducers – characteristics of transducers – mathematical model of transducers – zero, I and II order transducers – response to impulse, step, ramp and sinusoidal inputs – variable resistance transducers – variable inductance and variable capacitance transducers – induction potentiometer – variable reluctance transducers –principle of operation, construction details, characteristics and application of LVDT – capacitive transducer and types – capacitor
microphone – frequency response –piezoelectric transducer, hall effect transducer – different types of photo detectors – digital transducers – smart sensors – fibre optic sensors, squid sensors,film sensors, MEMS – nano sensors.


Pressure, flow, temperature and level measurements – principle of operation, installation and maintenance, calibration – measurement of force, torque, velocity, vibration, humidity, viscosity. and density – spectrophotometers (UV and IR) – pH
meters – conductivity meters –analyzers (O2 NO2, H2S), chromatography (gas and liquid) – NMR spectroscopy, x-ray spectroscopy and mass spectrometer.


Classification of signals: continuous and discrete, energy and power; mathematical representation of signals – classification of systems: continuous, discrete, linear, causal, stable, dynamic, recursive, time variance – spectral density – aliasing effect
– digital signal representation – DTLTI systems – difference equations – convolution – IIR design: analog filter design – Butterworth and Chebyshev approximations – digital design using impulse invariant and bilinear transformation – Discrete Fourier Transform – IDFT- computation of D FT using FFT algorithm – DIT and DIF using radix 2 FFT – FIR and IIR filter realization – parallel and cascade forms – FIR design: windowing techniques – linear phase characteristics.


Mathematical model of first order level, pressure and thermal processes – higher order process – interacting and non-interacting systems – continuous and batch processes – servo and regulator operations – characteristics of on-off, proportional,
integral and derivative control modes – PI, PD and PID control modes – pneumatic and electronic controllers – optimum controller evaluation criteria – IAE, ISE, ITAE and % decay ratio – determination of optimum settings for mathematically
described processes using time response and frequency response – tuning – process reaction curve method – Ziegler Nichols method – damped oscillation method- feed – forward control – ratio control – cascade control – inferential control – split – range control –introduction to multivariable control – I/P converter – pneumatic and electric actuators – valve positioner – control valves –
characteristics of control valves – inherent and installed characteristics – valve body – commercial valve bodies – control valve sizing – cavitation and flashing – selection criteria.


Components of PLC – advantages over relay logic – architecture of PLC – programming devices – discrete and analog i/o modules – programming languages– ladder diagram – programming timers and counters – design of PLC – program control instructions, math instructions, sequencer instructions – use of PC as PLC – application of PLC – SCADA – data acquisition system – supervisory control
– direct digital control – DCS – architectures – comparison – local control unit – process interfacing issues – communication facilities – operator interfaces – low level and high level operator interfaces – operator displays – engineering interfaces – low
level and high level engineering interfaces.

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